1751.5. (a) Notwithstanding any other provision of this chapter, the department shall issue a license to a hospice agency that applies to the department for a hospice agency license and meets all of the following requirements:
(1) Is accredited as a hospice by an entity approved by the federal Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services as a national accreditation organization, and the national accreditation organization forwards to the department copies of all initial and subsequent survey and other accreditation reports or findings.
(2) Files an application with fees pursuant to this chapter.
(3) Demonstrates and provides evidence to the department of an unmet need of hospice services in the geographic area the hospice agency would serve.
(4) Meets any other additional licensure requirements of, or regulations adopted if necessary pursuant to, this chapter that the department identifies, after consulting with the national accreditation organization, as more stringent than the accreditation requirements of the national accreditation organization.
(b) The department shall conduct surveys of 5 percent of initial hospice agency licenses approved by accrediting organizations during the previous calendar year to ensure the accreditation requirements are met and to determine compliance with licensing requirements that the department identifies as more stringent than the accreditation requirements. These surveys shall be conducted using a selective sample basis.
(c) The department may conduct a survey of an accredited hospice agency not surveyed under subdivision (b) to ensure the accreditation and licensing requirements are met.
(d) The department may conduct a survey of an accredited hospice agency to investigate complaints against an accredited hospice agency for substantial noncompliance, as determined by the department, with these accreditation standards or with any applicable licensing requirements.
(e) Notwithstanding subdivisions (a), (b), (c), and (d), the department shall retain its full range of authority over accredited hospice agencies to ensure the licensure and accreditation requirements are met. This authority shall include the entire scope of enforcement sanctions and options available for unaccredited hospice agencies.
(Amended by Stats. 2022, Ch. 797, Sec. 3. (AB 2673) Effective January 1, 2023.)