18-5-501. Definitions.
(a) As used in this article:
(i) “Industrial siting council” or “council” means the council created by W.S. 35-12-104;
(ii) “Wind energy facility” means any wind powered electrical generation development consisting of an individual wind turbine or multiple wind turbines rated by the manufacturer to generate more than one-half (0.5) megawatt of electricity and includes all lands where the owner or developer has rights to erect wind turbines;
(iii) “Enlarge” or “enlargement” means adding additional wind turbines or energy capacity that is not permitted as part of an original permitting process. “Enlarge” or “enlargement” shall not include an improvement made to a permitted wind turbine that maintains the same surface space occupied by the structure that was previously permitted, regardless of the cost of the improvement;
(iv) “Owner” means the surface owner of land;
(v) “Facility” includes:
(A) A wind energy facility or a solar energy facility unless the context clearly indicates otherwise;
(B) A wind energy facility or a solar energy facility planned for construction and siting or whose ownership or business structure is organized in a way to circumvent the definition of “facility” or the requirements of this article while engaging in conduct that otherwise would be subject to the requirements of this article. A facility that meets the definition of this subparagraph shall comply with all requirements of this article before locating, erecting, constructing, reconstructing or enlarging the facility.
(vi) “Solar energy facility” means a commercial facility with a rated power capacity of more than one-half (0.5) megawatt of electricity from solar power that includes all lands where the owner or developer has rights to erect solar energy facilities, including lands for battery storage.