An institution of higher education, with guidance from its Title IX coordinator, local law enforcement, and the rape crisis center or the domestic violence center, shall provide mandatory annual sexual misconduct primary prevention and awareness programming for all students and all employees of the institution that shall include:
I. An explanation of consent as it applies to sexual activity and sexual relationships.
II. The role drugs and alcohol play in an individual’s ability to consent.
III. Information on options relating to the reporting of an incident of sexual misconduct, the effects of each option, and the methods to report an incident of sexual misconduct, including confidential and anonymous disclosure.
IV. Information on the institution’s procedures for resolving sexual misconduct complaints and the range of sanctions or penalties the institution may impose on students and employees found responsible for a violation.
V. The name, contact information, and role of the confidential resource advisor.
VI. Strategies for bystander intervention and risk reduction.
VII. Opportunities for ongoing sexual misconduct prevention and awareness campaigns and programming.
Source. 2020, 24:18, eff. Jan. 16, 2021.