Effective 1/1/2021
73-10-2. Board of Water Resources — Members — Appointment — Terms — Vacancies.
73-10-2. Board of Water Resources — Members — Appointment — Terms — Vacancies.
- (1)
- (a) The Board of Water Resources shall be comprised of eight members to be appointed by the governor with the advice and consent of the Senate in accordance with Title 63G, Chapter 24, Part 2, Vacancies.
- (b) In addition to the requirements of Section 79-2-203, not more than four members shall be from the same political party.
- (2) One member of the board shall be appointed from each of the following districts:
- (a) Bear River District, comprising the counties of Box Elder, Cache, and Rich;
- (b) Weber District, comprising the counties of Weber, Davis, Morgan, and Summit;
- (c) Salt Lake District, comprising the counties of Salt Lake and Tooele;
- (d) Provo River District, comprising the counties of Juab, Utah, and Wasatch;
- (e) Sevier River District, comprising the counties of Millard, Sanpete, Sevier, Piute, and Wayne;
- (f) Green River District, comprising the counties of Daggett, Duchesne, and Uintah;
- (g) Upper Colorado River District, comprising the counties of Carbon, Emery, Grand, and San Juan; and
- (h) Lower Colorado River District, comprising the counties of Beaver, Garfield, Iron, Washington, and Kane.
- (3)
- (a) Except as required by Subsection (3)(b), all appointments shall be for terms of four years.
- (b) Notwithstanding the requirements of Subsection (3)(a), the governor shall, at the time of appointment or reappointment, adjust the length of terms to ensure that the terms of board members are staggered so that approximately half of the board is appointed every two years.
- (c) When a vacancy occurs in the membership for any reason, the replacement shall be appointed for the unexpired term with the advice and consent of the Senate and shall be from the same district as such person.
- (4) A member may not receive compensation or benefits for the member’s service, but may receive per diem and travel expenses in accordance with:
- (a) Section 63A-3-106;
- (b) Section 63A-3-107; and
- (c) rules made by the Division of Finance pursuant to Sections 63A-3-106 and 63A-3-107.
- (5) A member shall comply with the conflict of interest provisions described in Title 63G, Chapter 24, Part 3, Conflicts of Interest.
Amended by Chapter 352, 2020 General Session
Amended by Chapter 373, 2020 General Session