Effective 5/14/2019
54-3-2. Schedules of rates and classification — Right of inspection — Changes by commission — Online consumer access to usage data.
54-3-2. Schedules of rates and classification — Right of inspection — Changes by commission — Online consumer access to usage data.
- (1) Under the rules and regulations made by the commission, each public utility, shall file with the commission within the time and in the form as the commission may designate, and shall print and keep open to public inspection, schedules showing all rates, tolls, rentals, charges, and classifications collected or enforced, or to be collected or enforced, together with all rules, regulations, contracts, privileges, and facilities which in any manner affect or relate to rates, tolls, rentals, charges, classifications, or service.
- (2) Except for motor carriers exempted under federal law, nothing in this section shall prevent the commission from approving or fixing rates, tolls, rentals, or charges from time to time greater, or less, than those shown by the schedules.
- (3) The commission shall have power, in its discretion, to determine and prescribe, by order, changes in the form of the schedules referred to in this section as it may find expedient, and to modify the requirements of any of its orders or rules or regulations in respect to any matters described in this section.
- (4)
- (a) If requested by a nonresidential customer, and to the extent available through existing meters, each electrical corporation shall provide the nonresidential customer access to the customer’s usage data.
- (b) Each electrical corporation shall provide the access described in Subsection (4)(a) broken down into:
- (i) 15 minute intervals; or
- (ii) the shortest requested interval available through existing meters.
- (c) If incremental costs are associated with providing the access described in this Subsection (4), the electrical corporation may charge the customer an amount determined by the electrical corporation’s governing authority, as defined in Section 54-15-102.
Amended by Chapter 228, 2019 General Session