200.5 Registration.
1. Each brand and grade of commercial fertilizer and each soil conditioner shall be registered before being offered for sale, sold or otherwise distributed in this state; except that a commercial fertilizer formulated according to special specifications furnished by a consumer to fill the consumer’s order shall not be required to be registered, but shall be labeled as provided in section 200.6, subsection 3. The application for registration shall be submitted to the secretary on forms furnished by the secretary and shall be accompanied by a label setting forth the guaranteed analysis which shall be the same as that appearing on the registered product.
2. All registration will be permanent, provided, however, that the secretary may request a listing of products to be currently manufactured. The application shall include the following information in the following order:
a. Net weight, if sold in packaged form.
b. Name and address of the registrant.
c. Name of product.
d. Brand.
e. Grade.
f. Guaranteed analysis.
3. In addition to the information required in subsection 2 of this section, applications for registration of soil conditioners must include the name or chemical designation and percentage of content of each of the active ingredients.
4. The secretary is authorized, after public hearing, following due notice, to adopt rules regulating the labeling and registration of specialty fertilizers and other fertilizer products, when necessary in the secretary’s opinion. The secretary may require any reasonable information in addition to section 200.3, subsection 14, which is necessary and useful to the purchasers of specialty fertilizers of this state and to promote uniformity among states.
5. The secretary is authorized after public hearing, following due notice, to establish minimum acceptable levels of trace and secondary elements recognized as effective to aid crops produced in Iowa and to require such warning statements as may be deemed necessary to prevent injury to crops.
6. The secretary, whenever the secretary deems it necessary in the administration of this chapter, may require the submission of additional data about any fertilizer or product to support the claims made for it. If it appears to the secretary that the composition of the article is such as to warrant the claims made for it, and if the article, its labeling and other material required to be submitted, comply with the requirements of this chapter, the secretary shall register the product.
7. If it does not appear to the secretary that the article is such as to warrant the proposed claims for it, or if the article and its labeling and other material required to be submitted does not comply with the provision of this chapter, the secretary shall notify the registrant of the manner in which the article, labeling, or other material required to be submitted fails to comply with this chapter so as to afford the registrant an opportunity to make the necessary corrections before resubmitting the label.
8. It shall be the responsibility of the registrant to submit satisfactory evidence of favorable effects and safety of the product.
9. The secretary shall establish minimum requirements for the registration of fertilizers and soil conditioners by efficacy testing or the substantiation of data relevant to Iowa crops and soils.
10. A distributor shall not be required to register any brand and grade of commercial fertilizer which is already registered under this chapter by another person.
11. The advisory committee created in section 206.23 shall advise and assist the secretary on the registration of a product of commercial fertilizer or soil conditioner under the provisions of this chapter.
[S13, §2528-f, -f1; C24, 27, 31, 35, 39, §3139 – 3141; C46, 50, 54, 58, 62, §200.4; C66, 71, 73, 75, 77, 79, 81, §200.5]2017 Acts, ch 159, §41
Referred to in §200.6, 200.13