200A.6 Registration.
1. A person shall not distribute a bulk dry animal nutrient product unless the bulk product is registered with the department under this section. The department shall register each bulk product which complies with the requirements of this chapter. If the department determines that a registration application does not comply with the requirements of this chapter, the department shall notify the applicant of the department’s determination and the reasons why the application failed to comply with the requirements of this chapter. The department shall provide the applicant with an opportunity to make the necessary corrections before resubmitting the application.
2. A registration application must be submitted to the department on a form furnished by the department according to procedures required by the department. A completed application shall include all of the following:
a. (1) An accompanying label setting forth the guaranteed analysis of the bulk product, in the following form:
Total Nitrogen (N) ………… percent
Available Phosphate (P) or P2O5 or both ………… percent
Soluble Potassium (K) or K2O or both ………… percent
(2) Registration and guarantee of water soluble phosphate (P) or (P2O5) shall be permitted.
b. A description of how the distributor plans to obtain the acres necessary for proper application of the bulk product which is not distributed.
c. Evidence of favorable effects and safety of the bulk product necessary to satisfy the department according to rules adopted by the department.
d. Additional data about a bulk product necessary to support claims made about the product, if required by the department.
3. A distributor shall not be required to register any bulk product which is already registered under this chapter by another person.
4. Upon request of the department, the advisory committee created in section 206.23 may advise and assist the department regarding the registration of bulk dry animal nutrient products under the provisions of this chapter.
98 Acts, ch 1145, §6; 2009 Acts, ch 41, §263
Referred to in §200A.3, 200A.7, 200A.11, 200A.12, 200A.14