203C.25 Shrinkage adjustments — disclosures — penalties.
1. A person who, in connection with the receipt of corn or soybeans for storage, processing, or sale, adjusts the scale weight of the grain to compensate for the moisture content of the grain shall compute the amount of the adjustment by multiplying the scale weight of the grain by that factor which results in a rate of adjustment of one and eighteen hundredths percent of weight per one percent of moisture content. The use of any rate of weight adjustment for moisture content other than the one prescribed by this subsection is a fraudulent practice. The person shall post on the business premises in a conspicuous place notice of the rate of adjustment for moisture content that is prescribed by this subsection. Failure to make this disclosure is a simple misdemeanor.
2. A person who, in connection with the receipt of grain for storage, processing or sale, adjusts the quantity of the grain received to compensate for losses to be incurred during the handling, processing, or storage of the grain shall post on the business premises in a conspicuous place notice of the rate of adjustment to be made for this shrinkage. Failure to make the required disclosure is a simple misdemeanor.
3. A person who adjusts the scale weight of corn or soybeans both for moisture content and for handling, processing, or storage losses may combine the two adjustment factors into a single factor and may use this resulting factor to compute the amount of weight adjustment in connection with storage, processing, or sale transactions, provided that the person shall post on the business premises in a conspicuous place a notice that discloses the moisture shrinkage factor prescribed by subsection 1, the handling shrinkage factor to be imposed, and the single factor that results from combining these factors. Failure to make the required disclosure is a simple misdemeanor.
[81 Acts, ch 180, §31]C83, §543.25
C93, §203C.25