Effective 5/10/2016
62A-5-206.5. Utah State Developmental Center Miscellaneous Donation Fund — Use.
62A-5-206.5. Utah State Developmental Center Miscellaneous Donation Fund — Use.
- (1) There is created an expendable special revenue fund known as the “Utah State Developmental Center Miscellaneous Donation Fund.”
- (2) The board shall deposit donations made to the Utah State Developmental Center under Section 62A-1-111 into the expendable special revenue fund described in Subsection (1).
- (3) The state treasurer shall invest the money in the fund described in Subsection (1) according to the procedures and requirements of Title 51, Chapter 7, State Money Management Act, and the revenue received from the investment shall remain with the fund described in Subsection (1).
- (4)
- (a) Except as provided in Subsection (5), the money or revenue in the fund described in Subsection (1) may not be diverted, appropriated, expended, or committed to be expended for a purpose that is not listed in this section.
- (b) Notwithstanding Section 63J-1-211, the Legislature may not appropriate money or revenue from the fund described in Subsection (1) to eliminate or otherwise reduce an operating deficit if the money or revenue appropriated from the fund is expended or committed to be expended for a purpose other than one listed in this section.
- (c) The Legislature may not amend the purposes for which money or revenue in the fund described in Subsection (1) may be expended or committed to be expended except by the affirmative vote of two-thirds of all the members elected to each house.
- (5)
- (a) The board shall approve expenditures of money and revenue in the fund described in Subsection (1).
- (b) The board may expend money and revenue in the fund described in Subsection (1) only:
- (i) as designated by the donor; or
- (ii) for the benefit of:
- (A) residents of the developmental center; or
- (B) individuals with disabilities who receive services and support from the Utah State Developmental Center, as described in Subsection 62A-5-201(2)(b).
- (c) Money and revenue in the fund described in Subsection (1) may not be used for items normally paid for by operating revenues or for items related to personnel costs without specific legislative authorization.
Amended by Chapter 300, 2016 General Session