Effective 5/8/2018
62A-5-206.8. Management of the Utah State Developmental Center Sustainability Fund.
62A-5-206.8. Management of the Utah State Developmental Center Sustainability Fund.
- (1) The state treasurer shall invest the assets of the sustainability fund with the primary goal of providing for the stability, income, and growth of the principal.
- (2) Nothing in this section requires a specific outcome in investing.
- (3) The state treasurer may deduct any administrative costs incurred in managing sustainability fund assets from earnings before depositing earnings into the sustainability fund.
- (4)
- (a) The state treasurer may employ professional asset managers to assist in the investment of assets of the sustainability fund.
- (b) The state treasurer may only provide compensation to asset managers from earnings generated by the sustainability fund’s investments.
- (5) The state treasurer shall invest and manage the sustainability fund assets as a prudent investor would under Section 67-19d-302.
Enacted by Chapter 404, 2018 General Session