Effective – 28 Aug 2007
208.692. Program established, purpose — asset disregard — departments duties — rules. — 1. In accordance with Section 6021 of the Federal Deficit Reduction Act of 2005, there is established the Missouri long-term care partnership program, which shall be administered by the department of social services in conjunction with the department of commerce and insurance. The program shall:
(1) Provide incentives for individuals to insure against the costs of providing for their long-term care needs;
(2) Provide a mechanism for individuals to qualify for coverage of the cost of their long-term care needs under MO HealthNet without first being required to substantially exhaust their resources; and
(3) Alleviate the financial burden to the MO HealthNet program by encouraging the pursuit of private initiatives.
2. Upon payment under a Missouri qualified long-term care partnership-approved policy, certain assets of an individual, as provided in subsection 3 of this section, shall be disregarded when determining any of the following:
(1) MO HealthNet eligibility;
(2) The amount of any MO HealthNet payment; and
(3) Any subsequent recovery by the state of a payment for medical services.
3. The department of social services shall:
(1) Within one hundred eighty days of August 28, 2007, make application to the federal Department of Health and Human Services for a state plan amendment to establish a program that, in determining eligibility for state MO HealthNet benefits, provides for the disregard of any assets or resources in an amount equal to the insurance benefit payments that are made to or on behalf of an individual who is a beneficiary under a qualified long-term care insurance partnership policy; and
(2) Provide information and technical assistance to the department of commerce and insurance to assure that any individual who sells a qualified long-term care insurance partnership policy receives training and demonstrates evidence of an understanding of such policies and how they relate to other public and private coverage of long-term care.
4. The department of social services shall promulgate rules to implement the provisions of sections 208.690 to 208.698. Any rule or portion of a rule, as that term is defined in section 536.010, that is created under the authority delegated in this section shall become effective only if it complies with and is subject to all of the provisions of chapter 536 and, if applicable, section 536.028. This section and chapter 536 are nonseverable and if any of the powers vested with the general assembly pursuant to chapter 536 to review, to delay the effective date, or to disapprove and annul a rule are subsequently held unconstitutional, then the grant of rulemaking authority and any rule proposed or adopted after August 28, 2007, shall be invalid and void.
(L. 2007 S.B. 577)