Effective – 28 Aug 2003
21.805. Joint committee on the life sciences established, members, appointment, duties, meetings, report. — 1. There is hereby established a joint committee of the general assembly to be known as the “Joint Committee on the Life Sciences” to be composed of seven members of the senate and seven members of the house of representatives. The senate members of the joint committee shall be appointed by the president pro tem and the minority floor leader of the senate, and the house members of the joint committee shall be appointed by the speaker and the minority floor leader of the house of representatives. The appointment of each member shall continue during the member’s term of office or until a successor has been appointed to fill the member’s place when his or her term of office as a member of the general assembly has expired. No party shall be represented by more than four members from the house of representatives or more than four members from the senate. A majority of the joint committee shall constitute a quorum, but the concurrence of a majority of the members shall be required for the determination of any matter within the joint committee’s duties.
2. The joint committee shall be charged with making recommendations to the full general assembly in the following areas:
(1) Legislative implementation of Missouri’s strategic plan for life sciences, or successor plans;
(2) Executive branch actions and policies necessary to nurture and support life sciences research and commercialization;
(3) State investments necessary to nurture and support life sciences research and commercialization;
(4) Changes necessary in Missouri’s tax system to nurture and support life sciences research and commercialization;
(5) Laws and policies necessary to eliminate barriers to life sciences research and commercialization and to encourage the start-up of new life sciences companies in Missouri;
(6) Laws and policies necessary to encourage the retention and recruitment of existing life sciences companies in Missouri;
(7) Laws and policies necessary to encourage the recruitment of expert life scientists to Missouri;
(8) Coordination of Missouri’s existing scientific resources, including Missouri’s colleges and universities; and
(9) Any other legislative action necessary to nurture and support life sciences research and commercialization in Missouri.
3. The joint committee shall meet within thirty days after its creation and organize by selecting a chairperson and vice chairperson, one of whom shall be a member of the senate and the other a member of the house of representatives. The chairpersonship shall alternate between members of the house and senate every two years after the joint committee’s organization.
4. The joint committee shall meet at least quarterly and may meet at locations other than Jefferson City when the joint committee deems it necessary.
5. The joint committee shall be staffed by legislative personnel as is deemed necessary to assist the joint committee in the performance of its duties.
6. The members of the joint committee shall serve without compensation but shall be reimbursed for actual and necessary expenses incurred in the performance of their official duties.
7. The joint committee shall compile a full report of its activities for submission to the general assembly. The report shall be submitted not later than the fifteenth of January of each year in which the general assembly convenes in regular session and shall include any recommendations which the joint committee may have for legislative action as well as any recommendations for administrative or procedural changes in the internal management or organization of state government agencies and departments. Copies of the report containing such recommendations shall be sent to the appropriate directors of state departments and agencies included in the report.
8. All state departments, agencies, boards, and commissions shall cooperate with and assist the joint committee in the performance of its duties and shall make available all information requested.
(L. 2003 H.B. 465 merged with S.B. 511)
Board of life sciences research established, powers and duties, 196.1103 to 196.1130
Life sciences research trust fund established, 196.1100