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21-805B. WITHDRAWAL FROM EXISTING AUTHORITY — ELECTION — INDEBTEDNESS APPORTIONMENT — TRUSTEE REPRESENTATION. Subsequent to the organization of a regional airport authority, the electors of any county which has joined the regional airport authority may call for an election to have such county withdraw from the authority in the manner, and subject to the provisions, herein in this section provided:

(1) Such election for withdrawal may be called for by the submission to the board of trustees of the regional airport authority of petitions containing the statements and information hereinafter set forth, signed by not less than five percent (5%) of the qualified electors of each county which is a member of the authority, as defined in section 34-402, Idaho Code, existing as of the date of submission of such petitions to the county clerks for verification as hereinafter provided.

(2) Prior to submitting such petition for withdrawal to the board of trustees of the regional airport authority, the electors submitting such petition shall obtain from the county clerks of each county which is a member of the authority, and submit to the board of trustees with such petitions, a verification of the validity of the signatures upon such petitions; a verification as to which of such signatures are those of electors qualified in accordance with the provisions of section 34-402, Idaho Code, at the time of the submission of the petition; and a certification as to the total number of qualified electors existing in the county as of the date of the submission of such petition to the clerk.

(3) The petitions submitted shall specify the county whose withdrawal from the authority is sought, and shall contain the names, addresses and dates of signing of each of the electors signing such petition, and the following statements: that the persons signing are bona fide residents of a county within the authority and electors qualified under the provisions of section 34-402, Idaho Code; that the persons signing desire to have an election held to determine whether or not the county specified in the petition should withdraw from the regional airport authority; and that the persons signing understand that if such withdrawal should become effective following an election, the taxpayers and property of the county withdrawing would remain liable following such withdrawal for that county’s proportionate share of all bonded, warrant, and other indebtedness incurred by the regional airport authority prior to the time of such withdrawal as determined by the board of trustees in accordance with the provisions herein provided.

(4) Upon receiving such petitions and the verifications and certifications from the county clerks of each county which is a member of the authority, the board of trustees shall, at its next regularly scheduled meeting, determine the percentage that the assessed valuation of the county whose withdrawal is petitioned bears to the total assessed valuation figures utilized in the authority’s most recent ad valorem budget certification, and shall forward such petitions, county clerks’ verifications and certifications, and assessed valuation percentage determination to the Idaho transportation department with a request that the Idaho transportation department enter an order directing the board of county commissioners of each county which is a member of the authority to hold an election for the purpose of determining whether or not the withdrawal petitioned for should be approved or disapproved.

(5) Upon receipt of such petitions, county clerks’ verifications and certifications, assessed valuation percentage computation, and request from the regional airport authority, the Idaho transportation department shall, within ten (10) days of receipt thereof, enter and forward to the board of county commissioners of each county which is a member of the authority an order directing such boards of county commissioners to conduct an election within their counties, in the manner herein described, to determine whether or not such withdrawal from the regional airport should be approved, and to canvass the returns thereof, and to certify the results of such canvass to the Idaho transportation department and the regional airport authority. Such order shall direct that such election shall be held on the next election held as provided in section 34-106, Idaho Code, following such order; shall specify the amount of the existing regional airport authority indebtedness for which the county will remain liable should withdrawal be approved; and shall order that such information be set forth on the notice of election and ballot to be prepared by the counties.

(6) Upon receipt of such order from the Idaho transportation department, the county commissioners of each county which is a member of the authority shall enter an order directing that an election shall be held on the next election held as provided in section 34-106, Idaho Code, following the order from the Idaho transportation department to determine whether or not the withdrawal from the regional airport authority petitioned for should be approved. Such election shall thereafter be conducted as provided in chapter 14, title 34, Idaho Code, by the county commissioners and notice thereof shall be published in a newspaper of general circulation within the county once not less than twelve (12) days prior to the election, and a second time not less than five (5) days preceding the holding of the election. The notice shall specify that the purpose thereof is to determine whether or not the county specified in the petition should withdraw from the regional airport authority; shall designate the polling places within the county where electors may vote upon such question; shall specify the times during which the polling places will be open; shall specify that persons wishing to vote must possess the qualifications of electors as set forth in section 34-402, Idaho Code; and shall state that if such withdrawal becomes effective, the taxpayers and property of the county whose withdrawal is approved shall remain liable following such withdrawal for the percentage of all bonded, warrant, and other indebtedness of the regional airport authority determined by the board of trustees and certified to the Idaho transportation department as hereinabove provided, existing as of the date of such election. The county commissioners shall arrange for such polling places; appoint the necessary election judges and other personnel required to conduct such election; and shall conduct such election at the time and at the polling places specified in the notice thereof. At its next regularly scheduled meeting following the holding of such election the boards of county commissioners shall canvass and certify the results thereof to the Idaho transportation department and the regional airport authority. All costs and expenses incurred in conducting such election shall be paid by the counties conducting such election.

(7) The ballot used in such election shall indicate the percentage of the existing liability of the authority for which the county taxpayers and property of the withdrawing county shall remain liable if withdrawal from the authority is approved, and the question to be submitted to the voters by such ballot shall be whether or not the county specified should withdraw from the regional airport authority, and shall be followed by a box in which the voter may express his choice, either yes or no, by marking an "X" in the appropriately designated box.

(8) If a majority of the voters voting at such election shall vote in the affirmative for the withdrawal of the county from the regional airport authority, the board of trustees of the regional airport authority at their next regular meeting following certification of such election results to them by the boards of county commissioners, shall determine the total amount of all bonded, warrant, and other indebtedness of the authority existing as of the date of such election, and shall certify the amounts of all such indebtednesses, and to whom owed, to the Idaho transportation department within ten (10) days following such meeting. If the certifications from the boards of county commissioners shall indicate that a majority of the voters voting at such election voted in the negative on the question of whether such counties should withdraw from the authority, the board of trustees need not make such determination or certification to the Idaho transportation department.

(9) If the Idaho transportation department receives a certification from the boards of county commissioners that such election has been held, that the votes thereof have been canvassed, and that a majority of the persons voting at such election have voted in the affirmative to have such county withdraw from the regional airport authority, the Idaho transportation department shall upon receipt of certification from the board of trustees of the regional airport authority of the amount of bonded, warrant, and other indebtedness of the authority existing as of the date of such election, enter and deliver to the board of county commissioners of each county which is a member of the authority and the board of trustees of the regional airport authority an order that the electors having voted in the affirmative for such withdrawal, the county specified is detached from the regional airport authority. Such order shall further itemize the total bonded, warrant, and other indebtedness of the regional airport authority existing as of the date of such election, and shall order that the county detached from the authority is, and shall remain, liable for the percentage of such indebtedness previously determined by the order of the Idaho transportation department ordering such election, and such detached county shall thereafter remain liable to the regional airport authority for the amount determined by applying the percentage so determined to the existing indebtedness so determined.

(10) Notwithstanding the detachment of such county from the regional airport authority, the board of trustees of the regional airport authority shall annually thereafter, until the full amount owing by such detached county is paid, determine and certify annually to the board of county commissioners of such detached county the dollar amount necessary to be raised by an ad valorem tax on all property within the county to pay such detached county’s share of all bonded, warrant, and other indebtedness existing as of the date of the election approving such detachment as herein set forth. The county commissioners of such detached county shall thereafter compute the amount of ad valorem tax necessary to raise the amount so certified and shall levy and collect such tax in the same manner as other ad valorem taxes levied by the county. After such detachment the detached county and the property therein shall not be subject to taxation by the regional airport authority for the future operations of the regional airport authority or for the repayment of any indebtedness incurred by the authority subsequent to the date of the election approving such detachment.

(11) Nothing in this act shall be construed as impairing the validity of any bonds or warrants of the regional airport authority outstanding at the time of the detachment of any county therefrom pursuant to the provisions of this section; nor shall the detachment of any county from the regional airport authority pursuant to the provisions of this section in any way affect the rights of holders of general obligation bonds issued by the regional airport authority at any time when the detached county was a participating member of the regional airport authority.

(12) From and after entry of the order of detachment by the Idaho transportation department the office of trustee of any trustee elected from a legislative district lying wholly within such detached county shall terminate, and the trustee occupying such office shall thereafter have no authority to sit as a member of the board of trustees of the authority. Any trustee elected from a legislative district lying partly within such detached county and partly within other counties remaining within the authority shall retain his office as a member of the board of trustees of the authority, but shall from the date of the entry of the order by the Idaho transportation department ordering such detachment represent only that area in the legislative district from which he was elected which lies within counties remaining in the authority after such detachment.


[21-805B, added 1979, ch. 127, sec. 1, p. 391; am. 1995, ch. 118, sec. 3, p. 420.]