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Home » US Law » 2022 Idaho Code » Title 21 - AERONAUTICS » Chapter 8 - REGIONAL AIRPORTS » Section 21-807 – POWERS OF BOARD.

21-807. POWERS OF BOARD. The board of any authority established under the provisions of this act shall have power:

(1) To sue and be sued;

(2) To acquire, hold, and dispose of personal property;

(3) To acquire, in the name of the authority by purchase or condemnation, real property or rights or easements therein necessary or convenient for its purposes, and, except as may otherwise be provided herein, to use the same in acquiring property, any such authority may exercise the right of eminent domain as provided in chapter 7, title 7, Idaho Code;

(4) To establish rules and regulations for the management and regulation of its affairs, and to make rules and regulations for the use of projects, and the establishment and collection of rentals, fees, and all other charges for services or commodities sold, furnished, or supplied by such authority;

(5) To appoint a chairman from the membership of the board, and to appoint officers, agents, and employees and fix their compensation;

(6) To make contracts, leases, and all other instruments necessary or convenient to the purposes of the authority;

(7) To design, construct, maintain, operate, improve, and reconstruct such projects as shall be necessary and convenient to the maintenance and development of aviation services to and for the region in which such authority is established, including landing fields, heliports, hangars, shops, passenger and freight terminals, control towers, and all facilities necessary or convenient in connection with any such project and also to contract for the construction, operation, or maintenance of any parts thereof, or for services to be performed thereon, and to rent parts thereof and grant concessions thereon; all on such terms and conditions as the authority may determine;

(8) To include in such project, subject to zoning restrictions, space and facilities for any or all of the following: public recreation, business, trade or other exhibitions, sporting or athletic events, public meetings, conventions, and all other kinds of assemblages, and in order to obtain additional revenues, space, and facilities for business and commercial purposes. Whenever the board deems it to be in the public interest, the board may lease any such project or any part or parts thereof, or contract for the management and operation thereof or any part or parts thereof. Any such lease or contract may be for such period of years as the board shall determine;

(9) To charge fees, rentals, and other charges for the use of projects under the jurisdiction of such board. All fees, rentals, charges, and other revenues derived from any project shall be applied to the payment of operating, administration, and other necessary expenses of the authority properly chargeable to such project and to the payment of the interest on and principal of bonds or for making sinking fund payments therefor. The board may treat one (1) or more projects as a single enterprise in respect of revenues, expenses, the issuance of bonds, maintenance, operation, or other purposes;

(10) Subject to and consistent with the percentages of financial participation determined by the board and approved by the electors of the region, as provided in sections 21-804 and 21-805, Idaho Code, or as determined by the board as provided in subsection (14) of this section, to certify annually to the boards of county commissioners of the participating counties in the region the amount of tax to be levied to fund the ad valorem tax portion of the budget for the airport authority’s purposes. The ad valorem tax portion of the budget shall not exceed five hundredths percent (.05%) of market value for assessment purposes of the taxable property in such county, and the boards of county commissioners shall levy and collect the taxes to fund the ad valorem tax portion of the budget so certified at the same time and in the same manner as other county taxes are levied and collected, and the proceeds of such taxes when due and as collected shall be set aside and deposited in the special account or accounts in which other revenues of the authority are deposited;

(11) To construct and maintain under, along, over, or across a project, telephone, telegraph, or electric wires and cables, fuel lines, gas mains, water mains, and other mechanical equipment not inconsistent with the appropriate use of such project, to contract for such construction and to lease the right to construct and use the same, or to use the same on such terms for such periods of time and for such consideration as the board shall determine;

(12) To accept grants, loans, or contributions from the United States, the state of Idaho, or any agency or instrumentality of either of them, or from any private group or individual, and to expend the proceeds thereof consistent with the laws of the United States and of the state of Idaho;

(13) To enter on any lands, waters, and premises for the purposes of making surveys, soundings, and examinations; and to do all things necessary or convenient to carry out the powers expressly conferred on such authorities by this act;

(14) To determine the degree of financial participation of each county participating in the regional airport authority after such authority has been established as provided in section 21-805, Idaho Code.


[21-807, added 1967, ch. 277, sec. 7, p. 776; am. 1970, ch. 35, sec. 4, p. 73; am. 1976, ch. 130, sec. 1, p. 491; am. 1978, ch. 370, sec. 1, p. 973; am. 1996, ch. 208, sec. 18, p. 674.]