In this subdivision:
I. "
" means any executive branch agency, department, division, board, commission, or entity of the executive branch.
I-a. "
Classified employee
" means any person in the state classified service system as defined in RSA 21-I:49.
II. "
Conflict of interest
" means a situation, circumstance, or financial interest which has the potential to cause a private interest to interfere with the proper exercise of a public duty.
II-a. "
Executive branch official
" means the governor, members of the executive council, every commissioned, unclassified, or nonclassified executive branch employee other than one elected by the legislature, every constitutional official as defined by RSA 15-B:2, II, and any person other than a classified employee who conducts business on behalf of the governor, an executive branch official, or executive branch agency, including a volunteer.
III. [Repealed.]
IV. [Repealed.]
V. [Repealed.]
Source. 2004, 214:1. 2006, 21:1, 10, III-V, eff. June 2, 2006. 2016, 57:1, eff. July 4, 2016.