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    21-M:11 Bureau of Civil Law. –

I. There is established within the division of legal counsel a bureau of civil law. The bureau shall be supervised by a senior assistant attorney general who shall be appointed by the attorney general in accordance with the provisions of RSA 21-M:3 and who shall carry out the duties imposed by this section under the supervision of the attorney general and do such other work as the attorney general may assign. The attorney general shall appoint such other assistant attorneys general pursuant to the provisions of RSA 21-M:3 and such additional clerical, stenographic, and other staff as may be necessary to carry out the provisions of this section within the limits of the appropriations made for the bureau.

II. The duties of the bureau shall include, but not be limited to, the following:

(a) Providing advice and legal representation in civil matters for all executive branch agencies;

(b) Providing advice and legal representation for the state in land acquisition matters;

(c) Regulating charitable trusts, as provided for by RSA 7:19 through 7:32-a.

III. The department of justice shall have the authority to hire a full-time attorney assigned to the bureau, who shall act as legal counsel for state executive agencies in the procurement, negotiation, and development of contracts as determined by the attorney general. Each agency shall notify the department of justice of its intent to procure a contract or enter into any agreement that may materially impact the state, according to criteria established by the department of justice, including but not limited to, contract value, complexity, and performance obligations.

IV. To assist the attorney general in his or her duty to exercise supervision of campaign finance, election law, inaugural committee oversight, and lobbying matters, the department of justice may hire:

(a) An unclassified full-time investigator assigned to the bureau, who shall work exclusively on, campaign finance, election law, inaugural committee oversight, and lobbying matters. Notwithstanding RSA 14:14-c, the salary for the full-time investigator position shall be established as a salary grade BB.

(b) A classified full-time investigative paralegal assigned to the bureau, who shall work exclusively on campaign finance, election law, inaugural committee oversight, and lobbying matter. The classification shall be a paralegal II, labor grade 19.

Source. 1985, 300:1, eff. July 1, 1985. 2015, 276:19, eff. July 1, 2015. 2019, 346:267, eff. July 1, 2019.