215.1 Definitions.
As used in this chapter:
1. “Commercial weighing and measuring device” means a weight or measure or weighing or measuring device used to establish size, quantity, area or other quantitative measurement of a commodity sold by weight or measurement, or where the price to be paid for producing the commodity is based upon the weight or measurement of the commodity. The term includes an accessory attached to or used in connection with a commercial weighing or measuring device when the accessory is so designed or installed that its operation may affect the accuracy of the device. “Commercial weighing and measuring device” includes a public scale or a commercial scanner.
2. “Department” means the department of agriculture and land stewardship.
3. “Liquefied petroleum gas” means liquids that do not remain in a liquid state at atmospheric pressures and temperatures composed predominantly of any of the following hydrocarbons, or mixtures of hydrocarbons: propane, propylene, butanes including normal butane or isobutane, and butylenes.
4. “Packer” means a person engaged in the business of any of the following:
a. Buying livestock in commerce for purposes of slaughter;
b. Manufacturing or preparing meats or meat food products for sale or shipment in commerce;
c. Marketing meats, meat food products, or livestock products in an unmanufactured form acting as a wholesale broker, dealer, or distributor in commerce.
5. “Service agency” means an individual, firm or corporation which holds itself out to the public as having servicers available to install, service or repair a weighing or measuring device for hire.
6. “Servicer” means an individual employed by a service agency who installs, services or repairs a commercial weighing or measuring device for hire, commission or salary.
[C81, §215.26]90 Acts, ch 1084, §10, 11; 2007 Acts, ch 126, §43; 2012 Acts, ch 1095, §143, 144
; 2019 Acts, ch 128, §8
C2020, §215.1
Referred to in §214.1, 214.2
Former §215.1 transferred to §215.1A pursuant to directive;
2019 Acts, ch 128, §8