21603. Upon the request of any political subdivision or political subdivisions acting jointly, the department may act as agent in accepting, receiving, receipting for, and disbursing federal money, and other money public or private, made available to finance, in whole or in part, the planning, acquisition, construction, improvement, maintenance, or operation of a public airport or air navigation facility. The department may act as agent in contracting for and supervising the planning, acquisition, construction, improvement, maintenance, or operation. Any political subdivision may designate the department as its agent for these purposes.
The department as principal on behalf of the state, and any political subdivision on its own behalf, may enter into any contracts with each other, the United States, or any person, which may be required in connection with a grant or loan of federal money for public airport or air navigation facility purposes.
All federal money accepted under this section shall be accepted and transferred or expended by the department upon such terms and conditions as are prescribed by the United States. All money received by the department pursuant to this section shall be deposited in the Special Deposit Fund in the State Treasury, to be disbursed or expended in accordance with the terms and conditions upon which it was made available.
(Amended by Stats. 1969, Ch. 138.)