Subdivision 1. General rule. Any owner or lessee of any real property or any person acting with the authority of that owner or lessee who, in the ordinary conduct of agricultural operations upon that property, causes any injury to any underground pipeline, shall not be liable for any of the direct or incidental costs of repairing, restoring or replacing the pipeline in the absence of a showing of gross negligence or willful or wanton misconduct.
“Ordinary conduct of agricultural operations,” as that term is used in this subdivision, does not include well drilling or other excavation but includes the installation or repair of agricultural drainage tile subject to the provisions of subdivision 2.
Subd. 2. Notice requirement. A person who installs or repairs agricultural drainage tile shall be relieved of liability as provided in subdivision 1 only if that person gives oral or written notice to the one call excavation notice system in compliance with section 216D.04.
1979 c 194 s 7; 1986 c 444; 1993 c 341 art 1 s 19