22-16-103. County canvass procedures.
(a) Prior to the county canvass, the county clerk shall:
(i) Examine the poll books, tally sheets, precinct certifications and oaths of election officials;
(ii) Summarize the number of votes cast in each precinct for every candidate appearing on the ballot and the total votes cast for write-in candidates, and upon each ballot proposition;
(iii) Count write-in votes by candidate if the total vote for write-in candidates may affect the result of an election. For offices elected from districts involving more than one (1) county, the secretary of state shall direct the county clerks to count write-in votes by candidate if on the basis of unofficial returns it appears the total write-in votes may affect the result of an election.
(b) Repealed by Laws 2002, Ch. 18 § 3.
(c) The county canvassing board shall:
(i) Meet as soon as all returns have been received and abstracted, but if any provisional ballots have been cast in the county, not before the time has passed for provisional voters to document their eligibility to register or to vote. The board shall meet at a time and place designated by the county clerk, but no later than the first Friday following the election;
(ii) Perform or review a reconciliation of the ballots by precinct;
(iii) Review and determine the eligibility of provisional voters to register at the election if not previously registered and to vote and determine whether their provisional ballots may be opened and counted. The canvassing board shall meet in executive session when necessary to protect the confidentiality of ballots and of a voter’s confidential personally identifiable information;
(iv) Count and tabulate the votes on the provisional ballots which were determined to have been cast by qualified electors;
(v) Review and certify the abstracts after the validity of provisional ballots have been determined and discrepancies and ties have been resolved;
(vi) Review and certify successful write-in candidates after determination of the number of votes for candidates and verification of candidate qualification;
(vii) Cause minutes of the meeting to be taken, signed by the canvassing board and filed with the county clerk;
(viii) Ensure abstracts contain the following information:
(A) For primary elections, the total ballots cast by party, including unaffiliated votes;
(B) The number of electors voting in person and by absentee ballot by precinct at the election;
(C) The full name of each of the following receiving votes:
(I) Candidates printed on the ballot;
(II) Write-in candidates, if the candidate received a sufficient number of votes; and
(III) Nominated or elected write-in candidates.
(D) The offices receiving votes;
(E) The number of votes cast for each of the following receiving votes:
(I) Candidates printed on the ballot;
(II) Write-in candidates, if the candidate received a sufficient number of votes;
(III) Nominated or elected write-in candidates;
(IV) The number of overvotes; and
(V) The number of undervotes.
(F) The official designation or number of each ballot proposition and the number of votes for and against it stated in figures; and
(G) The number of provisional ballots cast.
(d) The precinct returns of the municipal primary election shall be canvassed by the county canvassing board, which shall certify the results of such in writing to the county clerk and municipal clerk.