Section 22-21-54
Validation of noncomplying associations.
In all cases where the county commission of a county has, or the governing bodies of a county and of a city have, adopted a resolution or resolutions authorizing the incorporation, under this article as originally enacted or as subsequently amended, of a public hospital association for public hospital purposes and there has been an attempt to organize such public hospital association by the directors appointed by the county commission of the county or the governing bodies of the county and city, presenting to the Secretary of State an application signed by them, which shall set forth that notice has been given and a public hearing has been held and that they have been appointed by the local governing body or bodies as members of the board of directors of the hospital association, and that they desire the hospital association to become a public body and body corporate, and the name which is proposed for the corporation and the Secretary of State has received, filed and recorded the application in an appropriate book of records in said Secretary of State’s office, then such public hospital association shall be, and is hereby, validated ab initio notwithstanding any failure on the part of the county commission of the county or the governing bodies of the county and city to comply with all the requirements of said article; provided, that this section shall not apply to the incorporation of any public hospital association that has been held invalid by a court of competent jurisdiction by judgment entered prior to August 7, 1969, or to the incorporation of any public hospital association, the validity of which is an issue in any pending civil action commenced prior to August 7, 1969.
(Acts 1969, No. 282, p. 618.)