22-22-202. Filing of application; form.
(a) A qualified elector may be nominated for the office of school district trustee or member of a community college board by filing an application for election in the office of the county clerk not more than ninety (90) nor less than seventy (70) days prior to the election. The application shall be in substantially the following form:
I, the undersigned, swear or affirm that I was born on …., ….(year), and that I have been a resident of the State of Wyoming since …., and that I am a registered voter of the …. school district or community college district (and resident of trustee residence area or subdistrict …., if any), residing at …., and I do hereby request that my name, …., be printed on the ballot of the election to be held on the …. day of …., ….(year), as a candidate for the office of …. for a term of …. years. I hereby declare that if I am elected, I will qualify for the office.
Dated: ….
………. (Signature of Candidate)
…. Name as it is to appear on the ballot
(b) Repealed by Laws 1983, ch. 80, § 2.