Section 22-22B-5
Proceeds from sale of recycled materials; employee awards.
(a) All proceeds from the sale of recyclable materials generated by the state agencies shall be deposited into the State Treasury to the credit of the operations fund of the agency which generated the recyclable materials.
(b)(1) Employee awards in an amount not to exceed $25.00 per fiscal year for each employee of the state agency are hereby authorized but not required. It is the intent of the Legislature that the amount of such awards not be considered cumulative and the maximum amount expended in any one fiscal year for any one employee shall not exceed $25.00. These awards may be paid for from the proceeds of the sale of recyclable materials and/or other departmental funds, provided such expenditures are budgeted for.
(2) Each state agency’s employee awards shall be administered by a duly elected board of employees in that agency, with the advice and consent of the agency head, and shall be subject to periodic audits by the examiners of public accounts.
(3) Employee awards shall include plaques or like awards acquired in accordance with the state’s competitive bid laws. These plaques or like awards are to express recognition or appreciation for retirement, longevity, outstanding performance or other accomplishments which in the opinion of the board and the agency head merit recognition.
(c) All proceeds from the sale of recycled materials generated by the public school systems shall be credited to the public school system generating the recyclable materials.
(Acts 1990, No. 90-564, §5.)