22-23-902. Application; filing fee; form; names on ballot.
(a) Candidates for office shall file an application for election and the required filing fee, with the county clerk, not more than fifty-five (55) nor less than thirty-five (35) days prior to the election. The election application shall be in substantially the following form:
State of Wyoming )
) ss
County of …. )
I, …., being …. years of age, a qualified elector of Election District No. …., Precinct No. …., Ward No. …. (if applicable), residing at …., in the City of …., State of Wyoming, do hereby request that my name be printed upon the Official Special Municipal Election Ballot for the special election to be held on …., ….(year), in the City of …., as a candidate for the office of …. . I hereby declare that if elected I will qualify for the office.
Dated the …. day of …., ….(year)
…. (Signature of Candidate)
(b) The county clerk shall place the name of each qualified candidate on the special election ballot.