22-25-110. Campaign advertising in communications media.
(a) It is unlawful for a candidate, political action committee, organization, including organizations causing an electioneering communication or an independent expenditure to be made, candidate’s campaign committee, or any political party central committee to pay for campaign literature or campaign advertising without conspicuously displaying or speaking the following disclosure: “paid for by (name of candidate, organization or committee sponsoring the campaign literature or campaign advertising)”. The disclosure set forth in this subsection shall be required in the following forms of campaign literature or campaign advertising:
(i) Printed campaign literature or campaign advertising including mailers, pamphlets, brochures, periodicals or billboards;
(ii) Campaign advertising appearing on the radio or distributed through a telephone or cellular system or other solely auditory medium;
(iii) Campaign advertising appearing on television;
(iv) Paid placement of campaign advertising on the internet or other electronic communication network. This paragraph shall not apply when including the disclosure is impracticable due to size and text limitations in electronic campaign advertising, provided that the campaign advertising shall include a hyperlink to an internet website containing the disclosure.
(b) For purposes of this section, “campaign literature or campaign advertising” does not include small campaign items such as tickets, bumper stickers, pens, pencils, buttons, rulers, nail files, balloons and yard signs displaying the name of the candidate or office sought and any other items specified by rule of the secretary of state.
(c) Repealed by Laws 2019, ch. 1, § 2.