22-26-112. Misdemeanor offenses generally.
(a) Unless a different penalty is specifically provided in this code, the following acts, if knowingly and willfully committed, are misdemeanor offenses punishable by not more than six (6) months in a county jail or a fine of not more than one thousand dollars ($1,000.00), or both:
(i) Electioneering too close to a polling place;
(ii) Disturbing a polling place;
(iii) Unlawful possession of alcoholic or malt beverages at a polling place;
(iv) Accepting or expending any money or incurring any obligation on behalf of any candidate for nomination or election to office without such candidate’s prior written approval;
(v) Employer interfering with political rights of employees;
(vi) Discharging an employee because of nomination for or election to political office;
(vii) Causing or attempting to cause a candidate to withdraw or refuse nomination or election;
(viii) Violating W.S. 22-2-113;
(ix) Violating W.S. 22-25-101 through 22-25-115;
(x) Filing or signing a false statement of contributions and expenditures required by W.S. 22-25-106.