22005.1. (a) The State Department of Health Care Services shall only certify a long-term care insurance policy that substantially meets the requirements of Chapter 2.6 (commencing with Section 10231) of Part 2 of Division 2 of the Insurance Code, except the requirements of Sections 10232.1, 10232.2, 10232.8, 10232.9, and 10232.92 of the Insurance Code, and that provides all of the items specified in subdivision (b). The State Department of Health Care Services shall only certify a health care service plan contract that has been approved by the Department of Managed Health Care pursuant to Chapter 2.2 (commencing with Section 1340) of Division 2 of the Health and Safety Code as providing substantially equivalent coverage to that required by Chapter 2.6 (commencing with Section 10231) of Part 2 of Division 2 of the Insurance Code, and that provides all of the items specified in subdivision (b). Policies issued by organizations subject to the Insurance Code and regulated by the Department of Insurance shall also be approved by the Department of Insurance.
(b) Only policies and contracts that provide all of the following items shall be certified by the department:
(1) Individual assessment and case management by a coordinating entity designated and approved by the department.
(2) Levels and durations of benefits that meet minimum standards set by the department pursuant to Section 22009.
(3) Protection against loss of benefits due to inflation. An applicant shall be offered, at the time of purchase, the following options:
(A) One option that provides, at a minimum, protection against inflation that automatically increases benefit levels by 5 percent each year over the previous year, up to an age specified by the program.
(B) At least one lower-cost option that provides protection against inflation that automatically increases benefit levels by, at a minimum, either 3 percent each year over the previous year or a fixed amount each year equal to 5 percent of the original benefit levels.
(4) A periodic record issued to the insured including an explanation of insurance payments or benefits paid that count toward Medi-Cal asset protection under this division.
(5) Compliance with any other requirements imposed by regulations adopted by the State Department of Health Care Services or the State Department of Social Services and consistent with the purposes of this division.
(c) (1) The State Department of Health Care Services may also certify a new policy or certificate, or maintain certification of a previously issued policy or certificate when the policyholder or certificate holder elects to reduce benefit levels, with a per diem benefit of at least one hundred dollars ($100) per day for a nursing facility, residential care facility, and home care and community-based services, if the policy or certificate provides a lifetime maximum benefit of not less than seventy-three thousand dollars ($73,000). A policy or certificate certified pursuant to this subdivision shall provide protection against inflation that automatically increases benefit levels by, at a minimum, either 3 percent each year over the previous year or a fixed amount each year equal to 5 percent of the original benefit levels, or, for a policyholder or certificate holder who elects to reduce benefit levels and is 70 years of age or older, 1 percent each year over the previous year.
(2) An insurer may offer a policy or certificate with the benefits described in paragraph (1) only if the insurer also offers the applicant policy benefits that provide at least a lifetime maximum benefit that, at the time of purchase, is equivalent in dollars to at least 365 times 70 percent of the average daily private pay rate for a nursing facility and a nursing facility per diem benefit of no less than 70 percent of the average daily private pay rate for a nursing facility.
(3) Except for the lifetime maximum benefit, per diem benefit, and inflation protection levels permitted by paragraphs (1) and (2), policies and certificates authorized by this subdivision shall comply with the standards described in paragraph (2) of subdivision (b).
(d) If a premium increases, an insurer shall offer the policyholder or certificate holder options to reduce coverage and lower the premium that would maintain partnership certification. The premium increase notification shall include the options described in paragraphs (1) to (7), inclusive, as applicable, and disclose that the policyholder or certificate holder may have additional options to lower the premium, including additional options to increase the elimination period or to reduce the daily benefit, benefit duration, and protection against inflation. Paragraphs (1) to (6), inclusive, do not require an insurer to create new benefit levels or amend its approved rate schedule. Each of the options set forth in paragraphs (1) to (7), inclusive, shall maintain partnership certification as long as the policy or certificate maintains at least the minimum benefit levels permitted by paragraph (1) of subdivision (c). Notwithstanding subdivision (b), a policy or certificate shall also maintain partnership certification if the policy or certificate is converted to a nonforfeiture benefit or a contingent benefit upon lapse. Even if a policyholder or certificate holder is not subject to a premium increase, the election of one of the available options set forth in paragraphs (1) to (7), inclusive, shall not result in a loss of partnership certification as long as the policy or certificate maintains at least the minimum benefit levels permitted by paragraph (1) of subdivision (c).
(1) Reduce the daily benefit by 50 percent, rounded up or down to the closest daily benefit level on the insurer’s approved rate schedule.
(2) Reduce the daily benefit by 25 percent, rounded up or down to the closest daily benefit level on the insurer’s approved rate schedule.
(3) Reduce the benefit duration to the lowest duration on the insurer’s approved rate schedule, but not below 12 months.
(4) Reduce the benefit duration to the next highest duration on the insurer’s approved rate schedule, relative to the current duration, but not below 12 months.
(5) Increase the elimination period to 90 days for a policy or certificate with an elimination period of less than 90 days, if the insurer’s approved rate schedule includes a 90-day elimination period.
(6) Convert a policy or certificate to a minimum coverage policy or certificate as described in paragraph (1) of subdivision (c), if the insurer offers such a policy for sale in California.
(7) Reduce the protection against inflation to a lower-cost option that automatically increases benefit levels by either 3 percent each year over the previous year or a fixed amount each year equal to 5 percent of the original benefit levels. If the policyholder or certificate holder is 70 years of age or older and experiences a 50-percent or greater increase in premium over the life of the policy or certificate, the insurer shall also offer protection against inflation that automatically increases benefit levels by 1 percent each year over the previous year. An offer made pursuant to this paragraph to reduce protection against inflation shall allow a policyholder or certificate holder, regardless of the issue date, issue age, or present age, to retain the accrued daily, weekly, monthly, and lifetime benefit amounts in effect at the time of the reduction.
(Amended by Stats. 2022, Ch. 534, Sec. 2. (AB 2604) Effective January 1, 2023.)