§ 23-19.1-11. Permits — Variances.
(a) Where the application for or compliance with any permit required under this chapter would, in the judgment of the director, and upon presentation by the applicant of adequate proof, cause undue or unreasonable hardship to any person, and that a variance would not be contrary to the public health and safety, or to the environment, the director may issue a variance from the requirements of § 23-19.1-10. The issuance or denial of a variance shall be preceded by public notice and notice to the applicant and to property owners of record within five hundred feet (500′) of the perimeter of the site of the facility and hearing. In no case shall the duration of the variance exceed one year. Renewals or extensions may be given only after opportunity for public comment on the renewal or extension.
(b) The director may require the filing of a bond as a condition for the issuance of a variance in an amount determined by the director to be sufficient to insure compliance with the terms and conditions of variance. The director may require that the bond shall remain in effect until the terms and conditions of the variance are met and the provisions of this chapter and rules and regulations promulgated under this chapter are complied with.
(c) Upon failure to comply with the terms and conditions of any bond or of any variance as specified by the director, the variance may be revoked or modified or the bond may be revoked or both, by the director after a hearing held upon not less than thirty (30) days written notice. The notice shall be served upon all persons who will be subjected to greater restrictions if the variance is revoked or modified or who have filed with the director a written request for notification.
History of Section.
P.L. 1978, ch. 229, § 1; G.L. 1956, § 23-46.2-11; P.L. 1979, ch. 39, § 1; G.L. 1956, § 23-19.1-11.