Section 23-7-5
Powers and functions.
(a) In addition to the powers contained in other provisions of this chapter, the bank has all power necessary, useful, or appropriate to fund, operate, and administer the bank, and to perform its other functions including, but not limited to, the following power to:
(1) Have perpetual succession.
(2) Adopt, promulgate, amend, and repeal bylaws, not inconsistent with this chapter for the administration of the bank’s affairs and the implementation of its functions including the right of the board to select qualifying projects and to provide loans and other financial assistance.
(3) Sue and be sued in its own name.
(4) Have a seal and alter it at pleasure, although the failure to affix the seal does not affect the validity of an instrument executed on behalf of the bank.
(5) Make loans to qualified borrowers to finance the eligible costs of qualified projects and to acquire, hold, and sell loan obligations at prices and in a manner as the board determines advisable.
(6) Provide qualified borrowers with other financial assistance necessary to defray eligible costs of a qualified project.
(7) Enter into contracts, arrangements, and agreements with qualified borrowers and other persons and execute and deliver all financing agreements and other instruments necessary or convenient to the exercise of the powers granted in this chapter.
(8) Enter into agreements with a department, agency, or instrumentality of the United States or of this state or another state for the purpose of planning and providing for the financing of qualified projects.
(9) Establish the following:
a. Policies and procedures for the making and administering of loans and other financial assistance.
b. Fiscal controls and accounting procedures to ensure proper accounting and reporting by the bank, and government units.
(10) Acquire by purchase, lease, donation, or other lawful means and sell, convey, pledge, lease, exchange, transfer, and dispose of all or any part of its properties and assets of every kind and character or any interest in it to further the public purpose of the bank.
(11) Procure insurance, guarantees, letters of credit, and other forms of collateral or security or credit support from any public entity, including any department, agency, or instrumentality of the United States or this state, for the payment of any bonds issued by it, including the power to pay premiums or fees on any insurance, guarantees, letters of credit, and other forms of collateral or security or credit support.
(12) Collect or authorize the trustee under any trust indenture securing any bonds to collect amounts due under any loan obligations owned by it, including taking the action required to obtain payment of any sums in default.
(13) Unless restricted under any agreement with holders of bonds, consent to any modification with respect to the rate of interest, time, and payment of any installment of principal or interest, or any other term of any loan obligations owned by it.
(14) Borrow money through the issuance of bonds and other forms of indebtedness as provided in this chapter.
(15) Expend funds to obtain accounting, management, legal, financial consulting, and other professional services necessary to the operations of the bank.
(16) Expend funds credited to the bank as the board determines necessary for the costs of administering the operations of the bank.
(17) Establish advisory committees as the board determines appropriate, which may include individuals from the private sector with banking and financial expertise.
(18) Procure insurance against losses in connection with its property, assets, or activities including insurance against liability for its acts or the acts of its employees or agents or to establish cash reserves to enable it to act as a self-insurer against any and all such losses.
(19) Collect fees and charges in connection with its loans or other financial assistance.
(20) Apply for, receive, and accept from any source, aid, grants, and contributions of money, property, labor, or other things of value to be used to carry out the purposes of this chapter subject to the conditions upon which the aid, grants, or contributions are made.
(21) Enter into contracts or agreements for the servicing and processing of financial agreements.
(22) To appoint and employ attorneys, accountants, financial advisors, underwriters, trustees, depositories, registrars, fiscal agents, and other advisors, agents, and independent contractors as may be necessary or desirable.
(23) Do all other things necessary or convenient to carry out the purposes and powers conferred by this chapter.
(b) The bank is not authorized or empowered to be or to constitute a bank or trust company within the jurisdiction or under the control of the state or an agency of it or the Comptroller of the Currency or the Treasury Department of the United States, or a bank, banker, or dealer in securities within the meaning of, or subject to the provisions of, any securities, securities exchange, or securities dealers’ law of the United States or this state.
As used in this chapter, the bank is not a “bank” within the meaning of Title 5, including without limitation Section 5-1A-2 and Section 5-1A-3, and is not a “bank” within the meaning of the Alabama Constitution, Sections 247, 248, and 253. Under this chapter, the bank does not accept deposits from the public, its loans are only with qualified borrowers as defined in Section 23-7-2(13), and the bank does not, and is not authorized to, transact banking business with the public.
(c) The bank is subject to the provisions of the Administrative Procedure Act.
(Act 2015-50, §5.)