All funds available to cities, towns and unincorporated places, pursuant to the provisions hereof, shall be allotted by the commissioner of transportation upon the following basis:
I. Apportionment A. In each fiscal year, the commissioner shall allocate an amount not less than 12 percent of the gross road toll revenue and motor vehicle fees collected in the preceding fiscal year to a local highway aid fund. This fund shall be distributed to each city, town, and unincorporated place on a formula in which
1/2 of the amount is based on the proportion which the mileage of regularly maintained class IV and class V highways in each municipality, as of January 1 of the previous year, bears to the total of such mileage in the state; and
1/2 of the amount is based on the proportion which the office of planning and development population estimate of each municipality bears to the latest estimate of the total population of the state as of July 1 of the year of the estimate. The aid to be distributed under this paragraph shall be in addition to all other state and federal aid specifically authorized by statute. In the event the appropriation for the disbursement required under this paragraph is insufficient, the governor is authorized to draw a warrant in the amount of the shortfall. Such warrant shall be a charge against the highway fund.
Apportionment B. The commissioner shall allot to each municipality a sum sufficient, when added to the amount which would be derived by a tax of $.11 on each $100 of the municipality’s last equalized valuation, to equal $117 for each mile of regularly maintained class V highway in such municipality, except that for any year in which the total allocated to the municipalities under this formula shall be less than $400,000, the commissioner shall use such other figure in place of $117 for each mile of regularly maintained class V highway as may be necessary to make the total allotment not less than $400,000.
Apportionment C. The commissioner shall apportion to eligible municipalities the amount of federal aid funds which are available for their use.
Source. 1945, 188:1, part 13:5. 1951, 83:1, part 13:2. 1953, 31:1. RSA 241:2. 1955, 333:3. 1957, 181:4; 273:3. 1965, 261:1. 1967, 280:1. 1969, 465:1. 1973, 418:4. 1975, 249:4. 1981, 87:1; 443:4. 1983, 122:3. 1985, 402:6, I(b)(6). 2003, 319:9. 2004, 257:44, eff. July 1, 2004. 2015, 276:192, eff. July 1, 2015. 2017, 156:64, 241, eff. July 1, 2017. 2021, 91:198, eff. July 1, 2021.