(a) The Department shall appoint a Standing Advisory Committee on Opioid–Associated Disease Prevention and Outreach Programs.
(b) The Standing Advisory Committee shall consist of:
(1) The Deputy Secretary for Public Health Services;
(2) One individual from academia who specializes in public health issues related to substance–related disorders or infectious diseases;
(3) One representative from law enforcement, nominated by the Executive Director of the Governor’s Office of Crime Prevention, Youth, and Victim Services;
(4) One individual with expertise in the prevention of HIV or viral hepatitis;
(5) One health care practitioner with experience providing services to individuals who inject drugs;
(6) One individual with substance use experience;
(7) One family member of an individual who injects or has injected drugs;
(8) One representative of local law enforcement;
(9) One local health officer;
(10) One representative of a local or regional hospital;
(11) One individual with experience in syringe services programs; and
(12) Any additional members recommended by the Department.
(c) The Deputy Secretary for Public Health Services shall serve as chair of the Standing Advisory Committee.
(d) The Standing Advisory Committee shall:
(1) Provide technical assistance to each Program on developing:
(i) Program operating procedures for collection and distribution of hypodermic needles and syringes;
(ii) A plan for community outreach and education; and
(iii) A protocol for linking Program participants to substance–related disorder treatment and recovery services; and
(2) Make recommendations to a Program regarding any aspect of Program procedures or operation.