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Effective – 28 Aug 1939

242.130. Extending time of corporate existence. — 1. Whenever the board of supervisors of any district organized under sections 242.010 to 242.690 or any previous enactment of the general assembly of the state of Missouri providing for the organization of drainage districts by the circuit courts, finds that, in order to either raise funds to complete the plan for reclamation, pay for works already completed, pay bonds outstanding and interest thereon, or interest on the same, restore any works or construct new works or for any other cause, the time for which any such drainage district has been incorporated should be extended, such board shall call a meeting of landowners of the district in the same manner as is provided for in section 242.150; the notice shall state the time, place and purpose of such meeting, and that if the majority of acres represented at said meeting be cast in favor of such extension of the district’s corporate existence a petition will be presented to the court organizing the district, asking for such extension of time.

2. Such meeting shall be conducted in the same manner as is provided in section 242.150 for the election of supervisors, except that one member of the board of supervisors shall act as chairman of such meeting and the secretary of the board or his deputy shall act as clerk; and if a majority of the acreage represented at such meeting shall vote in favor of such extension the board of supervisors shall within forty-five days before the next term of the circuit court file a petition with the clerk of said court praying for the extension of the corporate existence of the district, and after the filing of such petition the same proceeding shall be had as is provided for in sections 242.030 and 242.040 relating to articles of association and incorporation of the district.

3. If such petition be granted by the court, within twenty days thereafter the circuit clerk shall transmit a copy of the decree to the secretary of the board of supervisors who shall transmit a copy of the same to the secretary of state and to the recorder of deeds of each county having land or other property in the district, who shall file and preserve the same in his office, and for such service he shall receive a fee of one dollar. In case the court should find that such extensions should not be allowed said petition shall be dismissed and the cost incurred in the case be paid by the district.


(RSMo 1939 § 12373)

Prior revisions: 1929 § 10792; 1919 § 4422