2445. All moneys paid to and received by the board shall be paid into the State Treasury and shall be credited to the Contingent Fund of the Medical Board of California. Those moneys shall be reported at the beginning of each month, for the month preceding, to the Controller.
Moneys in the contingent fund shall be available, upon appropriation by the Legislature, for the use of the board and from it shall be paid all salaries and all other expenses necessarily incurred in carrying into effect the provisions of this chapter.
If there is any surplus in these receipts after the board’s salaries and expenses are paid, such surplus shall be applied solely to expenses incured under the provisions of this chapter. No surplus in these receipts shall be deposited in or transferred to the General Fund.
(Amended by Stats. 2017, Ch. 775, Sec. 83. (SB 798) Effective January 1, 2018.)