25350.55. (a) Prior to entering into an agreement to finance the lease or lease-purchase of property through the execution and delivery or issuance, as the case may be, of certificates of participation or lease revenue bonds, the board may elect, by resolution, to guarantee payment under that financing agreement in accordance with the following:
(1) A county that elects to participate under this section shall provide notice to the Controller of that election, which shall include a schedule for the payments to be made by the county under that financing agreement, and identify a trustee appointed by the county for the purposes of this section.
(2) In the event that, for any reason, the funds otherwise available to the county will not be sufficient to make any payment under the financing agreement at the time that payment is required, the county shall so notify the trustee. The trustee shall immediately communicate that information to the affected holders of certificates of participation or bondholders, and to the Controller.
(3) When the Controller receives notice from the trustee as described in paragraph (2), or the county fails to make any payment under the financing agreement at the time that payment is required, the Controller shall make an apportionment to the trustee in the amount of that required payment for the purpose of making that payment. The Controller shall make that payment only from funds received from the county auditor pursuant to paragraph (4).
(4) If either of the circumstances set forth in paragraphs (2) and (3) occur, the county shall immediately notify the county auditor and deliver to the county auditor a duly certified copy of the resolution of the board of supervisors adopted pursuant to Section 29530.5. The county auditor shall reduce the vehicle license fee adjustment amount set forth in Section 97.70 of the Revenue and Taxation Code and transmit those funds to the Controller to the extent necessary to make the payments required by paragraphs (2) and (3).
(5) As an alternate to the procedure set forth in paragraphs (2) and (3), the board of supervisors may provide a transfer schedule in a notice to the Controller of its election to participate under this section. The transfer schedule shall set forth amounts to be transferred to the trustee and the date or dates for the transfers and the Controller shall, subject to the limitation in the second sentence of paragraph (3), make apportionments to the trustee in those amounts on the specified date or dates for the purpose of making those transfers.
(6) In the event that for any reason, the county is no longer obligated for any period to make all or a portion of the payments with respect to the lease or lease-purchase financed through the execution and delivery, or issuance, as the case may be, of certificates of participation or lease revenue bonds, the trustee shall notify the affected holders of certificates of participation or bondholders. The trustee shall also notify the Controller. Upon receipt of the notification, the Controller shall cease making the transfers. If after giving notice, the obligation of the county to make payments with respect to a lease or lease-purchase financed through the execution and delivery or issuance, as the case may be, of certificates of participation or lease revenue bonds is restored, the trustee shall so notify the affected holders of certificates of participation or bondholders and the Controller. Upon receipt of the notification, the Controller shall resume making the transfers.
(b) This section shall not be construed to obligate the State of California to make any payment to a county from the Motor Vehicle License Fee Account in the Transportation Tax Fund in any amount or pursuant to any particular allocation formula, or to make any other payment to a county, including, but not limited to, any payment in satisfaction of any debt or liability incurred or guaranteed by a county in accordance with this section.
(Amended by Stats. 2004, Ch. 211, Sec. 9. Effective August 5, 2004.)