25355. The board may accept or reject any gift, bequest, or devise made to or in favor of the county, or to or in favor of the board in trust for any public purpose. The board may delegate to any county officer or employee the power to accept any gift, bequest, or devise made to or in favor of the county. The officer or employee shall file with the board each quarter a report that describes the source and value of each gift valued in excess of ten thousand dollars ($10,000) or any other amount as determined by the board. The board may hold and dispose of the property and the income and increase thereof for those lawful uses and purposes as are prescribed in the terms of the gift, bequest, or devise. In accounting for or inventorying gifts, bequests, or devises, the officer or employee shall follow the appropriate procedures contained in the State Controller’s manual entitled “Accounting Standards and Procedures for Counties.”
(Amended by Stats. 1991, Ch. 1226, Sec. 3.)