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25515.2. (a) Any sale, lease, lease with option to purchase, development, or contract agreement entered into pursuant to this article shall be authorized by an ordinance adopted by the board of supervisors. The ordinance shall be subject to referendum in the manner prescribed by law for ordinances of counties.

(b) Prior to adopting an ordinance authorizing a sale, lease, lease with option to purchase, development, or contract agreement the board of supervisors shall hold a public hearing. Notice of the time and place of the hearing shall be published pursuant to Section 6066 in one or more newspapers of general circulation within the county and shall be mailed to any person requesting special notice, to any present tenant of the public property, and to all owners of land adjoining the property.

(c) Any sale, lease, lease with option to purchase, development, or contract agreement shall be awarded after competitive bidding in the manner determined by the board of supervisors, or, if approved by a four-fifths vote of the board of supervisors, after a request for proposals.

(d) Any sale, lease, lease with option to purchase, development, or contract agreement awarded pursuant to competitive bidding shall be determined by the board of supervisors to meet all of the following criteria:

(1) Offers the greatest economic return to the county.

(2) Meets the residential, commercial, industrial, or cultural development needs of the county.

(e) Notice inviting the bids shall be published in the same manner as set forth in subdivision (g).

(f) For the purpose of receiving proposals, the board of supervisors shall, in a regular open meeting, adopt a resolution declaring its intention to consider the proposals. The resolution shall identify the site, shall specify whether the site is intended to be used for residential, commercial, industrial or cultural development or both, and shall fix a time not less than 60 days thereafter for a public meeting of the board of supervisors to be held at its regular place of meeting, at which meeting the board of supervisors shall receive all plans or proposals submitted.

(g) Notice of adoption of the resolution and the time and place of holding the meeting shall be given by publishing the resolution at least once a week for three weeks in a newspaper of general circulation published in the county in which the property is located. In addition, the board of supervisors may authorize the purchase of advertising space and may advertise the proposed transaction in those newspapers, magazines, and other periodicals that, in its judgment, will publicize the proposed transaction to those most likely to submit a proposal or bid.

(h) At the time and place fixed in the resolution the board of supervisors shall meet and open the bids or receive the plans and proposal. The plan or proposal as submitted or as revised by the board of supervisors shall be incorporated into the lease, lease with option to purchase, development, or contract agreement. The board of supervisors may reject any and all bids or plans and proposals submitted.

(Amended by Stats. 1994, Ch. 939, Sec. 5. Effective September 28, 1994. Operative January 1, 1995, by Sec. 29 of Ch. 939.)