26400.53. Notwithstanding the first two sentences of Section 26307, nothing in this chapter requires the board of supervisors to pledge for the payment of any bonds issued pursuant to this article any real or personal property other than the revenues and other income received from the operation of or arising from the project, which shall be pledged to the payment of the bonds.
Notwithstanding the fourth sentence of Section 26360 or Section 26397, the board of supervisors may provide in the resolution or indenture authorizing the issuance of the bonds that any revenues and other income received from the operation of or arising from the project and remaining after provision has been made for the payment of the principal of and interest on the bonds, the creation of any reserves, and the payment of necessary and reasonable maintenance and operation costs of the project, including, but not limited to, the reasonable expenses of management, repair, and other expenses necessary to maintain and preserve the project in good repair and working order, may be used, subject to any limiting covenants in the resolution or indenture, for any lawful purpose of the county.
The board may also provide in the resolution or indenture authorizing issuance of the bonds that provisions for the payment of reasonable and necessary costs of operation and maintenance for the project may be made prior to providing for the payment of the bonds and any reserves therefor.
(Added by Stats. 1986, Ch. 1388, Sec. 2.5. Effective September 30, 1986.)