Effective: November 21, 1988
Latest Legislation: Senate Bill 247 – 117th General Assembly
When a peremptory mandamus has been awarded against a board of county commissioners, a board of township trustees, the legislative authority of a municipal corporation, or board of education of a school district to levy and assess a tax to pay interest upon a debt or to create a sinking fund for the payment of a funded debt, and such officers have resigned, or refuse or neglect to levy and assess such tax, or their offices are vacant, upon the motion of an interested person and on being satisfied of the fact of such resignation, vacancy, or refusal or neglect to levy such tax, and of the right of such person to have it levied and assessed, the court may issue a special order to the auditor commanding him to levy and assess upon the taxable property of the county, township, or municipal corporation the taxes required by law, or by the judgment or order of such court, to be levied and assessed for such purposes, and to place such taxes upon the duplicate for collection by the county treasurer.