Effective – 28 Aug 2015
277.040. Application for license — issuance — disposition of fees. — 1. Any person engaged in establishing or operating a livestock sale or market for the purpose aforesaid shall file with the state veterinarian of the state department of agriculture an application for a license to transact such business under the provisions of this chapter. The application shall state the nature of the business and the city, township and county, and the complete post office address at which the business is to be conducted, together with any additional information that the state veterinarian requires, and a separate license shall be secured for each place where a sale is to be conducted such as is defined and required to be licensed under the provisions of this chapter.
2. The state veterinarian shall then issue to the applicant a license upon payment of an annual license fee to be fixed by rule or regulation entitling the applicant to conduct a livestock sale or market for the period of the license year or for any unexpired portion thereof, unless the license is revoked as herein provided.
3. All license fees collected under this chapter shall not yield revenue greater than the total cost of administering this chapter during the ensuing year. All license fees collected shall be made payable to the order of the state treasurer and deposited with him to the credit of the “Livestock Sales and Markets Fees Fund” hereby created, subject to appropriation by the general assembly, to inure to the use and benefit of the animal health division of the department of agriculture.
4. No business entity, whether a proprietorship, partnership or corporation shall be issued a livestock market license if any such proprietor, partner or, if a corporation, any officer or major shareholder thereof, participated in the violation of any provision of this chapter within the preceding five years, which resulted in the revocation of a livestock market license.
(L. 1943 p. 310 § 4, A. 1949 S.B. 1100, A.L. 1957 p. 20, A.L. 1989 S.B. 300, A.L. 2015 S.B. 12)