Effective – 28 Aug 1965
291.130. Inspection fees — refusal of inspection — penalty. — 1. The owner, superintendent, manager or other person in charge of every establishment inspected as provided by law shall pay to the state director of revenue the following fee for each inspection made in accordance with the provisions of sections 196.270 to 196.305, and chapters 292 and 421, or elsewhere authorized or required of said inspector by law to be made:
(1) For the inspection of every building or shop in which ten or less persons are employed or found at work, no charge shall be made;
(2) For the inspection of every building or shop in which more than ten and not exceeding fifteen persons are employed, the sum of three dollars;
(3) For the inspection of every building or shop in which more than fifteen and less than twenty-five persons are employed, the sum of four dollars;
(4) For the inspection of every building or shop in which more than twenty-five persons and less than fifty persons are employed, the sum of five dollars; and
(5) In every building or shop in which more than fifty persons are employed an additional fee of one dollar shall be charged and collected for every fifty additional persons employed, or any additional fraction thereof, and the fee herein provided for shall be due immediately upon completion of the inspection.
2. The owner, superintendent, manager or other person in charge of any establishment at the time of inspection shall furnish the inspector making the inspection a true statement of the number of persons employed in the establishment at the time of inspection, and any owner, superintendent, manager or other person in charge who fails or refuses to furnish such statement, or understates the number of persons employed in the establishment at the time of inspection, is guilty of a misdemeanor, and, upon conviction thereof, shall be fined not less than twenty-five dollars nor more than one hundred dollars for each offense.
3. Any person, firm or corporation, agent or manager, superintendent or foreman of any firm or corporation, whether acting for himself or for the firm or corporation, or by himself or through subagents or foreman, superintendent or manager, who refuses or attempts to prevent the admission of any inspector authorized by this chapter, upon or within the premises or building of any establishments or place which he is required by law to inspect at any reasonable business hour, or during working hours or in any manner interferes with the performance of the official duties of the inspector, or neglects or refuses to pay the inspection fee upon the completion of the inspection, is guilty of a misdemeanor, and, upon conviction thereof, shall be fined not less than twenty-five dollars nor more than one hundred dollars for each offense; except, that the owner or manager of any establishment inspected shall not be required to pay for more than two inspections between the first day of October of one year and thirtieth day of September of the next year, unless through noncompliance with the written orders of the inspector, additional inspections are necessary.
(RSMo 1939 § 10180, A.L. 1947 V. I p. 357, A.L. 1965 p. 440)
Prior revisions: 1929 § 13219; 1919 § 6783; 1909 § 7825