Effective – 28 Aug 1959, 2 histories
293.510. Dangerous mines to be closed by state, expenses. — When any mine except a coal mine is so operated that, in the opinion of the mine inspector, there is imminent danger to the lives, health or safety of the miners or employees, the inspector shall at once instruct the person in charge of the mine in which the dangerous condition exists to remove it immediately. The inspector also shall order the immediate evacuation of the mine or the dangerous portions thereof by all persons other than those he deems actually necessary and competent to remove or care for the dangerous conditions. On closing any mine or dangerous part of a mine under this section the inspector shall at once notify the director, and on receipt of such notification, the director shall sustain or reverse the closure action and, if he deems it necessary, order the inspector to place a competent person at the mine, who shall remain there until the dangerous condition is removed. The person so placed has the power to prevent anyone from entering the mine or the dangerous portion of the mine other than those permitted by the inspector. The expense of such competent person shall be paid by the operator; except that the operator always has the privilege to apply to the circuit court for a writ of injunction to enjoin the director from continuing to prevent operation of the mine.
(L. 1959 S.B. 188 § 56)