(1) Any port or dock commission may reserve any portion of the receipts from any revenue-producing property or facility. Any city may reserve any portion of the receipts from any public utility operation of such city. Any such port, dock commission or city may reserve any proceeds from the sale of any such property for future maintenance, alteration, repair, equipment, relocation or replacement of such properties or facilities of the general nature and type from which the proceeds or receipts were received or for insurance funds or retirement pension funds, as the governing body may deem necessary or appropriate. However, if money is received from the sale of property that has been purchased with the proceeds from the sale of bonds or utility certificates, the governing body shall first apply the receipts from the sale of such property to the payment of any applicable outstanding bonded indebtedness before allocation of any portion of the receipts to a reserve fund.
(2) Moneys reserved under subsection (1) of this section shall be placed in a special fund or funds. [Formerly 294.366]