(2) Estimates required under subsection (1) of this section must be prepared by organizational unit or by program. For purposes of preparing the estimates, “organizational unit” does not apply to hospitals, school districts or education service districts.
(3) Estimates prepared by organizational unit pursuant to subsection (2) of this section must be detailed under separate object classifications of personnel services, materials and services and capital outlay. Separate estimates must be made for operating expenses and general capital outlays that cannot reasonably be allocated to an organizational unit and for special payments, debt service and interfund revenue transfers.
(4) Estimates prepared by program pursuant to subsection (2) of this section must be arranged for each activity of a program. Estimates under each activity must be detailed under separate object classifications of personnel services, materials and services and capital outlay. Separate estimates must be made for operating expenses and general capital outlays that cannot reasonably be allocated to an activity within a program and for special payments, debt service and interfund revenue transfers.
(5) Estimates of expenditures for personnel services must include for each organizational unit or activity the total budgeted cost of all officers and employees and the number of related full-time equivalent positions. Upon request, a municipal corporation shall make available the current salary of each officer and employee, other than persons who receive an hourly wage or who are hired on a part-time basis. For the purpose of preparing a list of salaries, employees of like classification and salary range may be listed by the number of employees, the highest and lowest salaries and the total amount of all salaries, in each salary range.
(6) Debt service estimates must include separate amounts for principal and interest for each bond issue in each fund.
(7) The estimate for a fund may include an estimate for general operating contingencies. [Formerly 294.352]