A municipal corporation may include in its budget an estimate of unappropriated ending fund balance for each fund, for use in the fiscal period following that for which the budget is being prepared. The estimate authorized by this section represents cash or net working capital which will be carried over into the year following the ensuing fiscal year or ensuing budget period for which the budget is being prepared. It shall not in any way reduce the cash balance or net working capital which becomes part of the budget resources provided in ORS 294.361 (1) to (3). The unappropriated ending fund balance authorized by this section shall become a budget resource at the close of the ensuing fiscal year or ensuing budget period for the succeeding year or budget period. Except as provided in ORS 294.338 (2) and 294.481, no appropriation or expenditure shall be made in the year or budget period for which the budget is applicable for the amount estimated pursuant to this section. [Formerly 294.371]