Effective 7/1/2019
15A-3-302. Amendments to Chapters 1 and 2 of IPC.
15A-3-302. Amendments to Chapters 1 and 2 of IPC.
- (1) In IPC, Section 202, the definition for “Backflow Backpressure, Low Head” is deleted.
- (2) In IPC, Section 202, the following definition is added: “Certified Backflow Preventer Assembly Tester. A person who has shown competence to test Backflow prevention assemblies to the satisfaction of the authority having jurisdiction under Utah Code, Subsection 19-4-104(4).”
- (3) In IPC, Section 202, the following definition is added: “Contamination (High Hazard). An impairment of the quality of the potable water that creates an actual hazard to the public health through poisoning or through the spread of disease by sewage, industrial fluids or waste.”
- (4) In IPC, Section 202, the definition for “Cross Connection” is deleted and replaced with the following: “Cross Connection. Any physical connection or potential connection or arrangement between two otherwise separate piping systems, one of which contains potable water and the other either water of unknown or questionable safety or steam, gas, or chemical, whereby there exists the possibility for flow from one system to the other, with the direction of flow depending on the pressure differential between the two systems (see “Backflow”).”
- (5) In IPC, Section 202, the following definition is added: “Deep Seal Trap. A manufactured or field fabricated trap with a liquid seal of 4″ or larger.”
- (6) In IPC, Section 202, the definition for “Essentially Nontoxic Transfer Fluid” is deleted and replaced with the following:
“ESSENTIALLY NONTOXIC TRANSFER FLUID. Fluids having a Gosselin rating of 1, including propylene glycol; and mineral oil.”
- (7) In IPC, Section 202, the definition for “Essentially Toxic Transfer Fluid” is deleted and replaced with the following:
“ESSENTIALLY TOXIC TRANSFER FLUID. Soil, waste, or gray water; and any fluid that is not an essentially nontoxic transfer fluid under this code.”
- (8) In IPC, Section 202, the following definition is added: “High Hazard. See Contamination.”
- (9) In IPC, Section 202, the following definition is added: “Low Hazard. See Pollution.”
- (10) In IPC, Section 202, the following definition is added: “Motor Vehicle Waste Disposal Well. An injection well that discharges to the subsurface by way of a floor drain, septic system, French drain, dry well, or similar system that receives or has received fluid from a facility engaged in vehicular repair or maintenance activities, including an auto body repair shop, automotive repair shop, new and used car dealership, speciality repair shop, or any other facility that does any vehicular repair work. A motor vehicle waste disposal well is subject to rulemaking under Section 19-5-104 regarding underground injection.”
- (11) In IPC, Section 202, the following definition is added: “Pollution (Low Hazard). An impairment of the quality of the potable water to a degree that does not create a hazard to the public health but that does adversely and unreasonably affect the aesthetic qualities of such potable water for domestic use.”
- (12) In IPC, Section 202, the definition for “Potable Water” is deleted and replaced with the following: “Potable Water. Water free from impurities present in amounts sufficient to cause disease or harmful physiological effects and conforming to the Utah Code, Title 19, Chapter 4, Safe Drinking Water Act, and Title 19, Chapter 5, Water Quality Act, and the regulations of the public health authority having jurisdiction.”
Amended by Chapter 20, 2019 General Session