Effective: October 25, 1995
Latest Legislation: House Bill 61 – 121st General Assembly
Any board of county commissioners operating a transit system or any county transit board shall, if it acquires any existing transit system, assume all the employer’s obligations under any existing labor contract between the employees and management of the system. The board shall, if it acquires, constructs, controls, or operates any such facilities, negotiate arrangements to protect the interests of employees affected by such acquisition, construction, control, or operation. Such arrangements shall include, but are not limited to:
(A) The preservation of rights, privileges, and benefits under existing collective bargaining agreements or otherwise, the preservation of rights and benefits under any existing pension plans covering prior service, and continued participation in social security, in addition to participation in the public employees retirement system as required in Chapter 145. of the Revised Code;
(B) The continuation of collective bargaining rights;
(C) The protection of individual employees against a worsening of their positions with respect to their employment;
(D) Assurances of employment to employees of such transit systems and priority of re-employment of employees terminated or laid off;
(E) Paid training or retraining programs;
(F) Signed written labor agreements.
Such arrangements may include provisions for the submission of labor disputes to final and binding arbitration.