306.4 Jurisdiction of systems.
The jurisdiction and control over the roads and streets of the state are vested as follows:
1. Jurisdiction and control over the primary roads shall be vested in the department.
2. Jurisdiction and control over the secondary roads shall be vested in the county board of supervisors of the respective counties.
3. a. Effective July 1, 2004, jurisdiction and control over a farm-to-market extension or road transferred pursuant to section 306.8A within a city with a population of less than five hundred shall be vested in the county board of supervisors of the respective county.
b. If the population of a city drops below five hundred after July 1, 2004, as determined by the latest available federal census or special census, jurisdiction and control over a farm-to-market extension located within the city shall be vested in the county board of supervisors of the respective county effective July 1 following census certification by the secretary of state.
c. If the population of a city from which jurisdiction and control over a road has been transferred pursuant to paragraph “a” or “b” exceeds seven hundred fifty, as determined by the latest available federal census or special census, such jurisdiction and control shall be transferred back to the city effective July 1 following census certification by the secretary of state.
4. a. Jurisdiction and control over the municipal street system shall be vested in the governing bodies of each municipality; except that the department and the municipal governing body shall exercise concurrent jurisdiction over the municipal extensions of primary roads in all municipalities. When concurrent jurisdiction is exercised, the department shall consult with the municipal governing body as to the kind and type of construction, reconstruction, repair, and maintenance and the two parties shall enter into agreements with each other as to the division of costs thereof.
b. When the two parties cannot initially come to agreement as to the division of costs under this subsection, they shall contract with an organization in this state to provide mediation services. The costs of the mediation services shall be equally allocated between the two parties. If after submitting to mediation the parties still cannot come to agreement as to the division of costs, the mediator shall sign a statement that the parties did not reach an agreement, and the parties shall then submit the matter for binding arbitration to a mutually agreed-upon third party. If the parties cannot agree upon a third-party arbitrator, they shall submit the matter to an arbitrator selected under the rules of the American arbitration association.
5. Jurisdiction and control over the roads and streets in any state park, state institution or other state land shall be vested in the board, commission, or agency in control of such park, institution, or other state land; except that:
a. The department and the controlling agency shall have concurrent jurisdiction over any road which is an extension of a primary road and which both enters and exits from the state land at separate points. The department may expend the moneys available for such roads in the same manner as the department expends such funds on other roads over which the department exercises jurisdiction and control. The parties exercising concurrent jurisdiction may enter into agreements with each other as to the kind and type of construction, reconstruction, repair and maintenance and the division of costs thereof. In the absence of such agreement the jurisdiction and control of such road shall remain in the department.
b. The board of supervisors of any county and the controlling state agency shall have concurrent jurisdiction over any road which is an extension of a secondary road and which both enters and exits from the state land at separate points. The board of supervisors of any county may expend the moneys available for such roads in the same manner as the board expends such funds on other roads over which the board exercises jurisdiction and control. The parties exercising concurrent jurisdiction may enter into agreements with each other as to the kind and type of construction, reconstruction, repair and maintenance and the division of costs thereof. In the absence of such agreement, the jurisdiction and control of such road shall remain in the board of supervisors of the county.
6. Jurisdiction and control over parkways within county parks and conservation areas shall be vested in the county conservation boards within their respective counties; except that:
a. The department and the county conservation board shall have concurrent jurisdiction over an extension of a primary road which both enters and exits from a county park or other county conservation area at separate points. The department may expend moneys available for such roads in the same manner as the department expends such funds on other roads over which the department exercises jurisdiction and control. The parties exercising concurrent jurisdiction may enter into agreements with each other as to the kind and type of construction, reconstruction, repair and maintenance and the division of costs thereof. In the absence of such agreement, the jurisdiction and control of such roads shall remain in the department.
b. The board of supervisors of any county and the county conservation board shall have concurrent jurisdiction over an extension of a secondary road which both enters and exits from a county park or other county conservation area at separate points. The board of supervisors of any county may expend moneys available for such roads in the same manner as the board expends such funds on other roads over which the board exercises jurisdiction and control. The parties exercising concurrent jurisdiction may enter into agreements with each other as to the kind and type of construction, reconstruction, repair and maintenance and the division of costs thereof. In the absence of such agreement, the jurisdiction and control of such roads shall remain in the board of supervisors of the county.
[C51, §514; R60, §819; C73, §920; C97, §1482; C24, 27, §4560, 4635 – 4677, 4780 – 4812; C31, 35, §4560, 4644-c1; C39, §4560, 4644.01; C46, 50, §309.1; C54, 58, 62, 66, §306.3; C71, 73, 75, 77, 79, 81, §306.4]89 Acts, ch 134, §1; 2003 Acts, ch 144, §2; 2010 Acts, ch 1061, §180
Referred to in §306.2, 307.22, 307.24, 308.5, 312.3, 331.362