Subdivision 1. Kosher requirements. No person shall sell or expose for sale any poultry, poultry products, meat, or meat preparations and falsely represent the same to be kosher, whether such poultry, poultry products, meat, or meat preparations be raw or prepared for human consumption; nor shall the person permit any such products or the contents of any package or container to be labeled or to have inscribed thereon the word “kosher” in any language unless such products display a stamp, label, or other type of indicia from a rabbinic authority indicating that the products were prepared or processed in accordance with that rabbinic authority, with the name and institutional affiliation and denominational affiliation, if any, of the rabbinic authority identified.
Subd. 2. Notice required. Any person who sells or exposes for sale in the same place of business both kosher and nonkosher poultry, meat, or meat preparations, either raw or prepared for human consumption, shall indicate on window signs and all display advertising, in block letters at least four inches in height, “kosher and nonkosher meat and poultry sold here”; and shall display over each kind of poultry, meat, or meat preparation so exposed a sign, in block letters at least two inches in height, reading, “kosher meat,” “kosher poultry,” “nonkosher meat,” or “nonkosher poultry,” as the case may be; provided that subdivision 2 shall not apply to persons selling or offering for sale kosher poultry, poultry products, meats, or meat products solely in separate consumer packages, which have been prepackaged and properly labeled “kosher.”
Subd. 3. Presumption. Possession of nonkosher poultry, poultry products, meat, or meat preparations in any place of business shall be presumptive evidence that the person in possession thereof exposes the same for sale.
Subd. 4. Prima facie evidence. The absence of a duly sanctioned kosher “plumba,” mark, stamp, tag, brand, or label from any poultry, poultry products, meat, meat preparation, or food product shall be prima facie evidence that such product is nonkosher.
(3826-1) 1929 c 398 s 1; 1959 c 563 s 1; 1986 c 444; 2000 c 477 s 33; 2004 c 232 s 1