Effective – 28 Aug 2018, 2 histories
324.920. Application requirements — grandfather provision — employee licensing requirements. — 1. The applicant for a statewide electrical contractor’s license shall satisfy the following requirements:
(1) Provide proof of liability insurance in the amount of five hundred thousand dollars, and post a bond with each political subdivision in which he or she will perform work, as required by that political subdivision;
(2) Pass a standardized and nationally accredited electrical assessment examination that has been created and administered by a third party and that meets current national industry standards, as determined by the division;
(3) Pay for the costs of such examination; and
(4) Have completed one of the following:
(a) Twelve thousand verifiable practical hours installing equipment and associated wiring;
(b) Ten thousand verifiable practical hours installing equipment and associated wiring and have received an electrical journeyman certificate from a United States Department of Labor-approved electrical apprenticeship program;
(c) Eight thousand verifiable practical hours installing equipment and associated wiring and have received an associate’s degree from a state-accredited program; or
(d) Four thousand verifiable practical hours supervising the installation of equipment and associated wiring and have received a four-year electrical engineering degree.
2. Electrical contractors who hold an electrical contractor or master electrician occupational or business license issued by any political subdivision in this state shall be eligible for a statewide license if the applicant:
(1) Provides evidence of having passed a standardized written electrical assessment examination that is based upon the National Electrical Code and administered by an independent competent professional testing agency not affiliated with a political subdivision or the state of Missouri;
(2) Provides evidence of twelve thousand hours of verifiable practical experience or evidence of having been licensed by any Missouri political subdivision that requires examination as specified in subdivision (1) of this subsection as an electrical contractor or master electrician for six of the previous eight calendar years;
(3) Provides proof of insurance as required by this chapter; and
(4) Provides proof that the local license was current and active and not subject to discipline on the date the applicant applied for a statewide license.
The provisions of this subsection shall apply only to electrical contractor licenses issued by a political subdivision with the legal authority to issue such licenses.
3. If a corporation, firm, institution, organization, company, or representative thereof desires to engage in electrical contracting licensed under this chapter, then it shall have in its employ, at a supervisory level, at least one electrical contractor who possesses a statewide license in accordance with sections 324.900 to 324.945. A statewide licensed electrical contractor shall represent only one firm, company, corporation, institution, or organization at one time.
4. Any person operating as an electrical contractor in a political subdivision that does not require the contractor to hold a local license, or that operates as an electrical contractor in a political subdivision that requires a local license possessed by that person, shall not be required to possess a statewide license under sections 324.900 to 324.945 to continue to operate as an electrical contractor in such political subdivision.
(L. 2017 S.B. 240, A.L. 2018 H.B. 1719 merged with S.B. 840 merged with S.B. 862)