I. The body of a deceased person shall not be cremated within 48 hours after his or her decease unless he or she died of a contagious or infectious disease. If the death occurred within the state, the body shall not be cremated by the crematory authority until the crematory authority has received the certificate of burial permit required by law before burial, and a certificate from a medical examiner that he or she has viewed the body and made personal inquiry into the cause and manner of death, and is of the opinion that no further examination or judicial inquiry concerning the same is necessary. If the death occurred within the state but the body is being transferred out of state for cremation, the transfer shall not occur until the medical examiner has conducted such a view and inquiry and has issued a certificate. If the death occurs without the state, the reception and cremation of the body of a deceased person shall be governed by rules adopted by the board after consultation with the chief medical examiner.
II. The crematory authority shall forward a copy of the cremation certificate to the office of the chief medical examiner, accompanied by a $60 fee. The fee shall be deposited in the medico-legal investigative fund established pursuant to RSA 611-B:28.
Source. 2006, 288:2. 2007, 324:16. 2008, 197:1, eff. June 11, 2008.